Monday, April 25, 2011


Hello and welcome to the first edition of the new monthly incarnation of Prague Jazz.

We have kept many features of the original format, such as CD reviews and monthly GigTips. There are a few new ideas though, and I'm very happy that Julian Nicholas agreed to be our first PJ interviewee. We have also selected a couple of interesting videos from the giant bucket of assorted media that is the internet. Do let us know what you would like to see more of on the site.

Because of the monthly format PJ is no longer a good medium for news snippets. We will of course carry major announcements of albums or tours that come our way, but as a device it just does not move fast enough to be an effective news source. As such I hope that as many of you as possible, readers, musicians and record company people alike, use the Prague Jazz Facebook page. So please, fill it up with your news, your press releases, and your thoughts about the Czech jazz scene.

I hope you enjoy the resurrected Prague Jazz website and our May features.

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